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SC Charts - 1.0.0

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Release Notes

Streamline Control is releasing a milestone v1.0.0 release of SC Charts. The high-level features of this release are described herein.below.

Chart Types
  • Line
  • Spline
  • Mountain
  • Mountain Splinespline
  • Column
  • Scatter
  • MultiMultiple x- and y-axes
  • MultiMultiple Datasetdatasets
  • Dynamic Penspens
  • Chart Themingtheming
  • Draggable Legendlegend
  • Play/Pause real-time updates
  • Download chart as PNG
  • Range Brushbrush
  • X Tracetrace
  • Measurement Tooltool
  • Advanced Panpan and Zoomzoom
  • Overview
  • Annotations