Theme Properties
The theme properties may be used to set common colors across many properties in each component instance. By default, any color prop which is defined will override the props listed below.
Name | Description | Property Type |
axisBorder | sets the color for the axis border | Color |
axistitleColor | sets the color for the title of the axis | Color |
annotationsGripsBackroundBrush | sets default brush for background of the annotations grips | Color |
annotationsGripsBorderBrush | sets default brush for border of the annotations grips | Color |
axisBandsFill | sets the color for the axis bands fill | Color |
axisPlaneBackgroundFill | sets the color for the 3D Chart Axis plane background fill | Color |
chartTitleColor | sets the color for the chart title | Color |
columnFillBrush | sets the brush for column fill | Color |
columnLineColor | sets the color for the column line | Color |
cursorLineBrush | sets the brush for the line stroke | Color |
defaultColorMapBrush | sets the default gradient for any pen type with the fill property |
Array |
gridBackgroundBrush | sets the brush for the grid background | Color |
gridBorderBrush | sets the brush used for Gridlines area border | Color |
labelBackgroundBrush | sets the brush for the label background | Color |
labelBorderBrush | sets a brush that describes the label border background | Color |
labelForegroundBrush | sets a brush that describes the label border foreground | Color |
legendBackgroundBrush | sets a brush that describes the legend border background | Color |
lineSeriesColor | Color | |
loadingAnimationBackground | Color | |
loadingAnimationForeground | Color | |
majorGridLineBrush | sets the brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.AxisBase Major Grid lines. Expects a System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush | Color |
minorGridLineBrush | sets the brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.AxisBase Minor Grid lines. Expects a System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush | Color |
mountainAreaBrush | sets the default color for the mountain area brush | Color |
mountainLineColor | sets the default color for the mountain line color | Color |
overviewFillBrush | sets the fill brush for the overview property | Color |
planeBorderColor | sets a color of the axis plane border | Color |
rolloverLineBrush | sets the line brush for the rollover property | Color |
rubberBandFillBrush | sets the fill brush for the RubberBandXyZoomModifier drag reticule | Color |
rubberBandStrokeBrush | sets the stroke brush for the RubberBandXyZoomModifier drag reticule border | Color |
chartBackground | sets the background of the entire SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface | Color |
shadowEffectColor | sets the shadow effect color | Color |
textAnnotationBackground | sets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Annotations.TextAnnotation background | Color |
textAnnotationForeground | sets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Annotations.TextAnnotation text foreground | Color |
tickTextBrush | sets the tick text brush applied to text labels | Color |
Name | Description | Property Type | Default |
0.offset | The offset for ColorMapPoint 0 | Double | 0 |
0.color | The color for ColorMapPoint 0 | Color | --neutral-10 |
1.offset |
The offset for ColorMapPoint 1 | Double | 0.5 |
1.color | The color for ColorMapPoint 1 | Color | --neutral-20 |
2.offset | The offset for ColorMapPoint 2 | Double | 1 |
2.color | The color for ColorMapPoint 2 | Color | --neutral-30 |