Frequently Referenced Types
There is no color type in Ignition; colors are simply strings which are formatted in one of the following ways.
Input Type | Description | Examples | Sample Color |
Color Picker | Coming soon, this will be filled out when it is added. |
Hex code | Colors may be entered as a six-digit hexadecimal RGB code. Each pair of values represents red, blue, and green, in that order. |
Colors may be entered as RGB values, with three values for red, blue, and green, in that order. |
RGBA | Colors may be entered as RGBA values, with three values for red, blue, and green, in that order, in addition to an alpha value that controls transparency. |
HSL | Colors may be entered as HSL values, specifying hue, saturation, and lightness. |
Colors may be entered as HSLA values, specifying hue, saturation, and lightness, in addition to an alpha value that controls transparency. |
Color String | A supported color may be written as a simple String. See Color Strings for examples of all supported colors. |
Ignition Color String | Ignition provides a set of themed colors that may be referenced as a string. These colors will change depending on the selected theme. See the Ignition User Manual for an exhaustive list. |
Very light
Very Dark |
Sample Color Strings
Color names and hex values are not case-sensitive.
Sample Red Color Strings
Color | String | Hex Code | RGB | HSL |
red |
indianRed |
#CD5C5C |
lightCoral |
#F08080 |
rgb(240, 128, 128) |
hsl(0,79,72) |
salmon |
darkSalmon |
lightSalmon |
crimson |
fireBrick |
darkRed |
Sample Pink Color Strings
Color | String | Hex Code | RGB | HSL |
pink |
hsl(350, 100, 88) |
lightPink |
hsl(351, 100, 86) |
hotPink |
hsl(330, 100, 71) |
deepPink |
hsl(328, 100, 54) |
mediumVioletRed |
hsl(322, 81, 43) |
paleVioletRed |
hsl(340, 60, 65) |
Sample Orange Color Strings
Color | String | Hex Code | RGB | HSL |
orange |
hsl(39, 100, 50) |
lightSalmon |
coral |
hsl(16, 100, 66) |
Tomato |
hsl(9, 100, 64) |
orangeRed |
hsl(16, 100, 50) |
darkOrange |
hsl(33, 100, 50) |
Sample Yellow Color Strings
Color | String | Hex Code | RGB | HSL |
Yellow |
hsl(60, 100, 50) |
Gold |
hsl(51, 100, 50) |
lightYellow |
hsl(60, 100, 94) |
lemonChiffon |
hsl(54, 100, 90) |
lightGoldenrodYellow |
hsl(60, 80, 90) |
papayaWhip |
hsl(37, 100, 92) |
moccasin |
hsl(38, 100, 85) |
peachPuff |
hsl(28, 100, 86) |
paleGoldenrod |
hsl(55, 67, 80) |
khaki |
hsl(54, 77, 75) |
darkKahki |
hsl(56, 38, 58) |
Sample Purple Color Strings
Color | String | Hex Code | RGB | HSL |
purple |
hsl(300, 100, 25) |
lavender |
hsl(240, 67, 94) |
Thistle |
hsl(300, 24, 80) |
plum |
hsl(300, 47, 75) |
violet |
hsl(300, 76, 72) |
orchid |
hsl(302, 59, 65) |
fuchsia |
hsl(300, 100, 50) |
magenta |
hsl(300, 100, 50) |
mediumOrchid |
hsl(288, 59, 58) |
mediumPurple |
hsl(260, 60, 65) |
rebeccaPurple |
hsl(270, 50, 40) |
blueViolet |
hsl(271, 76, 53) |
darkViolet |
hsl(282, 100, 41) |
darkOrchid |
hsl(280, 61, 50) |
darkMagenta |
hsl(300, 100, 27) |
indigo |
hsl(275, 100, 25) |
slateBlue |
hsl(248, 53, 58) |
darkSlateBlue |
hsl(248, 39, 39) |
mediumSlateBlue |
hsl(249, 80, 67) |
Sample Green Color Strings
Color | String | Hex Code | RGB | HSL |
green |
hsl(120, 100, 25) |
greenYellow |
hsl(84, 100, 59) |
chartreuse |
hsl(90, 100, 50) |
lawnGreen |
hsl(90, 100, 49) |
lime |
hsl(120, 100, 50) |
limeGreen |
hsl(120, 61, 50) |
paleGreen |
hsl(120, 93, 79) |
lightGreen |
hsl(120, 73, 75) |
mediumSpringGreen |
hsl(157, 100, 49) |
springGreen |
rgb(0, 255, 127) |
hsl(150, 100, 50) |
mediumSeaGreen |
rgb(60, 179, 113) |
hsl(147, 50, 47) |
seaGreen |
hsl(146, 50, 36) |
forestGreen |
hsl(120, 61, 34) |
darkGreen |
rgb(0, 100, 0) |
hsl(120, 100, 20) |
yellowGreen |
hsl(80, 61, 50) |
oliveDrab |
hsl(80, 60, 35) |
olive |
hsl(60, 100, 25) |
darkOliveGreen |
hsl(82, 39, 30) |
mediumAquamarine |
hsl(160, 51, 60) |
darkSeaGreen |
hsl(115, 27, 64) |
lightSeaGreen |
hsl(177, 70, 41) |
darkCyan |
hsl(180, 100, 27) |
teal |
hsl(180, 100, 25) |
Sample Blue Color Strings
Color | String | Hex Code | RGB | HSL |
blue |
hsl(240, 100, 50) |
aqua |
hsl(180, 100, 50) |
cyan |
hsl(180, 100, 50) |
lightCyan |
hsl(180, 100, 94) |
paleTurquoise |
hsl(180, 65, 81) |
aquamarine |
hsl(160, 100, 75) |
turquoise |
hsl(174, 72, 56) |
mediumTurquoise |
rgb(72, 209, 204) |
hsl(178, 60, 55) |
darkTurquoise |
rgb(0, 206, 209) |
hsl(181, 100, 41) |
cadetBlue |
hsl(182, 25, 50) |
steelBlue |
hsl(207, 44, 49) |
lightSteelBlue |
#B0C4DE |
rgb(176, 196, 222) |
hsl(214, 41, 78) |
powderBlue |
hsl(187, 52, 80) |
lightBlue |
#ADD8E6 |
hsl(195, 53, 79) |
skyBlue |
hsl(197, 71, 73) |
lightSkyBlue |
hsl(203, 92, 75) |
deepSkyBlue |
hsl(195, 100, 50) |
dodgerBlue |
rgb(30, 144, 255) |
hsl(210, 100, 56) |
cornflowerBlue |
hsl(219, 79, 66) |
mediumSlateBlue |
hsl(249, 80, 67) |
royalBlue |
hsl(225, 73, 57) |
mediumBlue |
#0000CD |
rgb(0, 0, 205) |
hsl(240, 100, 40) |
darkBlue |
#00008B |
rgb(0, 0, 139) |
hsl(240, 100, 27) |
navy |
#000080 |
rgb(0, 0, 128) |
hsl(240, 100, 25) |
midnightBlue |
#191970 |
rgb(25, 25, 112) |
hsl(240, 64, 27) |
Sample Brown Color Strings
Color | String | Hex Code | RGB | HSL |
brown |
#A52A2A |
rgb(165, 42, 42) |
hsl(0, 59, 41) |
cornsilk |
rgb(255, 248, 220) |
hsl(48, 100, 93) |
blanchedAlmond |
rgb(255, 235, 205) |
hsl(36, 100, 90) |
bisque |
#FFE4C4 |
rgb(255, 228, 196) |
hsl(33, 100, 88) |
navajoWhite |
rgb(255, 222, 173) |
hsl(36, 100, 84) |
wheat |
#F5DEB3 |
rgb(245, 222, 179) |
hsl(39, 77, 83) |
burlyWood |
#DEB887 |
rgb(222, 184, 135) |
hsl(34, 57, 70) |
tan |
#D2B48C |
rgb(210, 180, 140) |
hsl(34, 44, 69) |
rosyBrown |
#BC8F8F |
rgb(188, 143, 143) |
hsl(0, 25, 65) |
sandyBrown |
#F4A460 |
rgb(244, 164, 96) |
hsl(28, 87, 67) |
goldenrod |
#DAA520 |
rgb(218, 165, 32) |
hsl(43, 74, 49) |
darkGoldenrod |
#B8860B |
rgb(184, 134, 11) |
hsl(43, 89, 38) |
peru |
#CD853F |
rgb(205, 133, 63) |
hsl(30, 59, 53) |
chocolate |
#D2691E |
rgb(210, 105, 30) |
hsl(25, 75, 47) |
saddleBrown |
#8B4513 |
rgb(139, 69, 19) |
hsl(25, 76, 31) |
sienna |
#A0522D |
rgb(160, 82, 45) |
hsl(19, 56, 40) |
maroon |
#800000 |
rgb(128, 0, 0) |
hsl(0, 100, 25) |
Sample White Color Strings
Color | String | Hex Code | RGB | HSL |
white |
rgb(255, 255, 255) |
hsl(0, 0, 100) |
snow |
rgb(255, 250, 250) |
hsl(0, 100, 99) |
honeyDew |
#F0FFF0 |
rgb(240, 255, 240) |
hsl(120, 100, 97) |
mintCream |
rgb(245, 255, 250) |
hsl(150, 100, 98) |
azure |
rgb(240, 255, 255) |
hsl(180, 100, 97) |
aliceBlue |
#F0F8FF |
rgb(240, 248, 255) |
hsl(208, 100, 97) |
ghostWhite |
#F8F8FF |
rgb(248, 248, 255) |
hsl(240, 100, 99) |
whiteSmoke |
#F5F5F5 |
rgb(245, 245, 245) |
hsl(0, 0, 96) |
seaShell |
rgb(255, 245, 238) |
hsl(25, 100, 97) |
beige |
#F5F5DC |
rgb(245, 245, 220) |
hsl(60, 56, 91) |
oldLace |
#FDF5E6 |
rgb(253, 245, 230) |
hsl(39, 85, 95) |
floralWhite |
rgb(255, 250, 240) |
hsl(40, 100, 97) |
ivory |
rgb(255, 255, 240) |
hsl(60, 100, 97) |
antiqueWhite |
rgb(250, 235, 215) |
hsl(34, 78, 91) |
linen |
#FAF0E6 |
rgb(250, 240, 230) |
hsl(30, 67, 94) |
lavenderBlush |
#FFF0F5 |
rgb(255, 240, 245) |
hsl(340, 100, 97) |
mistyRose |
#FFE4E1 |
rgb(255, 228, 225) |
hsl(6, 100, 94) |
Sample Gray Color Strings
Color | String | Hex Code | RGB | HSL |
gray |
#808080 |
rgb(128, 128, 128) |
hsl(0, 0, 50) |
gainsboro |
rgb(220, 220, 220) |
hsl(0, 0, 86) |
lightGray |
#D3D3D3 |
rgb(211, 211, 211) |
hsl(0, 0, 83) |
silver |
#C0C0C0 |
rgb(192, 192, 192) |
hsl(0, 0, 75) |
darkGray |
#A9A9A9 |
rgb(169, 169, 169) |
hsl(0, 0, 66) |
dimGray |
#696969 |
rgb(105, 105, 105) |
hsl(0, 0, 41) |
lightSlateGray |
#778899 |
rgb(119, 136, 153) |
hsl(210, 14, 53) |
slateGray |
#708090 |
rgb(112, 128, 144) |
hsl(210, 13, 50) |
darkSlateGray |
#2F4F4F |
rgb(47, 79, 79) |
hsl(180, 25, 25) |
black |
#000000 |
rgb(0, 0, 0) |
hsl(0, 0, 0) |
Other Color Strings
Ignition also supports transparency. Add two digits to a hex code or use RGBA or HSLA, or simply use the transparent
Color | String | Hex Code | RGBA | HSLA |
transparent |
hsla(1, 100, 50, 0) |