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Theme Properties


Name Description Property Type Default
axisBorder sets the color for the axis border String --neutral-90
axistitleColor sets the color for the title of the axis String --neutral-90
annotationsGripsBackroundBrush sets default brush for background of the annotations grips String --neutral-90
annotationsGripsBorderBrush sets default brush for border of the annotations grips String --neutral-90
axis3DBandsFill sets the color for the 3D Chart Axis plane bands fill String transparent
axisBandsFill sets the color for the axis bands fill String transparent
axisPlaneBackgroundFill sets the color for the 3D Chart Axis plane background fill String transparent
chartTitleColor sets the color for the chart title String --neutral-90
columnFillBrush sets the brush for column fill String transparent
columnLineColor sets the color for the column line String transparent
cursorLineBrush sets the brush for the line stroke String
defaultColorMapBrush sets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseHeatmapRenderableSeries.ColorMap. Accepts . Gradient Stops are used to compute colors of the final heat signature Array
downBandSeriesFillColor sets the default color for the down band fill color String transparent
downBandSeriesLineColor sets the default color for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries.Stroke, which defines the down band line color String transparent
downBodyBrush sets the Brush used for candle body on down-candles (close < open). If null, UpBodyColor property is used. String transparent
downWickColor sets the Color used for wicks and outlines on down-candles (close < open). String transparent
gridBackgroundBrush sets the brush for the grid background String transparent
gridBorderBrush sets the brush used for Gridlines area border String transparent
labelBackgroundBrush sets the brush for the label background String transparent
labelBorderBrush sets a brush that describes the label border background String transparent
labelForegroundBrush sets a brush that describes the label border foreground String --neutral-90
legendBackgroundBrush sets a brush that describes the legend border background String --neutral-20
String --neutral-50
String --neutral-10
String --neutral-90
majorGridLineBrush sets the brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.AxisBase Major Grid lines. Expects a System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush String --neutral-30
minorGridLineBrush sets the brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.AxisBase Minor Grid lines. Expects a System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush String --neutral-20
mountainAreaBrush sets the default color for the mountain area brush String --neutral-90
mountainLineColor sets the default color for the mountain line color String --neutral-90
overviewFillBrush sets the fill brush for the overview property String --neutral-90
planeBorderColor sets a color of the axis plane border String --neutral-90
rolloverLineBrush sets the line brush for the rollover property String --neutral-90
rubberBandFillBrush sets the fill brush for the RubberBandXyZoomModifier drag reticule String --neutral-90
rubberBandStrokeBrush sets the stroke brush for the RubberBandXyZoomModifier drag reticule border String --neutral-90
sciChartBackground sets the background of the entire SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface String --neutral-10
scrollbarBackgroundBrush sets default brush for background of the scrollbar String --neutral-90
scrollbarBorderBrush sets default brush for border of the scrollbar String --neutral-90
scrollbarGripsBackgroundBrush sets default brush for backgrounds of the scrollbar grips String --neutral-90
scrollbarViewportBackgroundBrush sets the background brush (fill) for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartScrollbar viewport area String --neutral-90
scrollbarViewportBorderBrush sets the border brush (fill) for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartScrollbar viewport area border String --neutral-90
shadowEffectColor sets the shadow effect color String --neutral-90
textAnnotationBackground sets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Annotations.TextAnnotation background String --neutral-10
textAnnotationForeground sets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Annotations.TextAnnotation text foreground String --neutral-90
tickTextBrush sets the tick text brush applied to text labels String --neutral-90
upBandSeriesFillColor sets the default color for the up band fill color String --neutral-90
upBandSeriesLineColor sets the default color for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries.Stroke, which defines the up band line color String --neutral-90
upBodyBrush sets the Brush used for candle body on up-candles (close > open). If null, UpBodyColor property is used. String --neutral-90
upWickColor sets the Color used for wicks and outlines on up-candles (close > open). String --neutral-90
Name Description Property Type Default
0.offset The offset for ColorMapPoint 0 Double 0
0.color The color for ColorMapPoint 0 String --neutral-10


The offset for ColorMapPoint 1 Double 0.5
1.color The color for ColorMapPoint 1 String --neutral-20
2.offset The offset for ColorMapPoint 2 Double 1
2.color The color for ColorMapPoint 2 String --neutral-30
Neutrals color theme
Variable Hex


--neutral-20 #F4F4F4


--neutral-40 #BDBDBD
--neutral-50 #A1A1A1
--neutral-60 #767676
--neutral-70 #5E5E5E
--neutral-80 #515151
--neutral-90 #323232
--neutral-100 #161616