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Chart Properties


NameDescriptionProperty Type
dataAn array of objects for trend dataArray

Data Array Object

NameDescriptionProperty Type
nameThe name of the data object memberString
datasetContains the data points for the plotDataset
containsNaNSpecifies if NaN values are in the datasetBoolean
isSortedSpecifies if the values in the dataset are sortedBoolean

Example of Data Prop:


It is helpful to have the the dataset structured with timestamp in the first column.

Plots: (Future Release)

NameDescriptionProperty Type


NameDescriptionProperty Type
axesAn object containing defined axes arrays for both x and yObject

X Axis Array Object

NameDescriptionProperty Type
nameThe name of the axisString
plotThe type of plot displayed. Default value is defaultString
typeThe axis type for the plotObject
titleThe title for the axisObject
unitsSpecifies the units of measure for axis titleString
borderControl for the axis borderObject
rangeControls the range of the axisObject
positionControls the position of the axis on the chart. Options are Left, Right, Up, and DownString
labelThe label configuration for the axisObject
NameDescriptionProperty Type
CategoryAxisText axis suitable to chart out text based items or categoriesString
DateTimeNumericAxisValue axis suitable when the axis data is DateTimeString
NumericAxisValue axis suitable when the axis data is numericString
LogarithmicAxisValue axis suitable for numeric data to be presented in logarithmicString
NameDescriptionProperty TypeDefault
textThe displayed axis titleStringX Axis
fontSizeFont configuration for the titleDouble12
fontFamilySpecifies the font for the title. Examples are Arial, Times, etc.StringArial
colorSpecifies the color for the titleString--neutral-90
NameDescriptionProperty TypeDefault
colorControls the border colorString--neutral-90
widthControls the border thickness of the axisDouble1
NameDescriptionProperty TypeDefault
providerSee details for this object and its members below... NoFormat
fontSizeFont size configuration for the labelDouble12
fontFamilySpecifies the font family for the label. Examples are Arial, Times, etc.StringArial
colorSpecifies the color for the labelString--neutral-90
NameDescriptionProperty Type
AlwaysAutorange the IAxis instance always. In this case zooming is not allowed by user. Only AxisDragModifier UI interaction is allowed.String
NeverNever autoranges the the IAxis instance.String
OnceAllows the IAxis instance decide whether autorange or not when VisibleRange is null or undefinedString

Y Axis Array Object

NameDescriptionProperty Type
nameThe name of the axisString
plotThe type of plot displayed. Default value is defaultString
typeThe axis type for the plotObject
titleThe title for the axisObject
unitsSpecifies the units of measure for axis titleString
borderControl for the axis borderObject
rangeControls the range of the axisObject
positionControls the position of the axis on the chart. Options are Left, Right, Up, and DownString
labelThe label configuration for the axisObject
NameDescriptionProperty Type
CategoryAxisText axis suitable to chart out text based items or categoriesString
DateTimeNumericAxisValue axis suitable when the axis data is DateTimeString
NumericAxisValue axis suitable when the axis data is numericString
LogarithmicAxisValue axis suitable for numeric data to be presented in logarithmicString
NameDescriptionProperty TypeDefault
textThe displayed axis titleStringY Axis
fontSizeFont configuration for the titleDouble12
fontFamilySpecifies the font for the title. Examples are Arial, Times, etc.StringArial
colorSpecifies the color for the titleString--neutral-90
NameDescriptionProperty TypeDefault
colorControls the border colorString--neutral-90
widthControls the border thickness of the axisDouble1
NameDescriptionProperty TypeDefault
providerSee details for this object and its members below... NoFormat
fontSizeFont size configuration for the labelDouble12
fontFamilySpecifies the font family for the label. Examples are Arial, Times, etc.StringArial
colorSpecifies the color for the labelString--neutral-90
NameDescriptionProperty Type
AlwaysAutorange the IAxis instance always. In this case zooming is not allowed by user. Only AxisDragModifier UI interaction is allowed.String
NeverNever autoranges the the IAxis instance.String
OnceAllows the IAxis instance decide whether autorange or not when VisibleRange is null or undefinedString


NameDescriptionProperty Type
providerAn object containing formats for the axis labelObject
Provider Members
NameDescriptionProperty Type
NoFormatSpecifies No Formatting to the axis labels (defaults to integer whole values)String
DecimalFormats the axis labels with a single decimal placeString
SignificantFiguresFormats the axis labels as a whole number (no decimal places)String
Date_DDMMYYYYFormats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 12/31/1969)String
Date_DDMMYYFormats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 01/01/70)String
Date_DDMMHHMMFormats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 01/01 00:00)String
Date_DDMMFormats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 01/01/70)String
Date_HHMMFormats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 01/01)String
Date_HHMMSSFormats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 00:00)String
ExponentialFormats the axis label to exponential notation (eg. 2.0e+1)String
ScientificFormats the axis label to scientific notation (eg. 3x10³)String


Pens Array Object

NameDescriptionProperty Type
 An array of pens to display on the graphArray
nameThe name of the pen to be displayed in the legend on the chartString
visibleDetermines if the pen is visible on the chart or notBoolean
typeThe chart type desired. Options are Line, Scatter, Column, Mountain and SplineString
interpolationPointsUsed with the Spline and MountainSpline type curves to set the interpolation filter - a higher value results in a smoother waveform - only visible when MountainSpline or Spline curves are selectedInteger
axisDefines the axes (x and y) for the selected penObject
dataDefines where the data for the pen is coming fromObject
strokeConfiguration of the line on the chart corresponding to a specific penObject
NameDescriptionProperty Type
LineA series of data points connected by line segmentsString


Shows large quantities of data along a horizontal and vertical axis and presents a correlation between two variablesString
ColumnA type of graph that uses vertical bars or columns to represent the values of the dataString
MountainEssentially the same as a line chart with the area filled in under the curveString
MountainSplineA spline chart with the area under the curve filled inString
SplineA line chart where the data points are connected using spline interpolationString
NameDescriptionProperty Type
xSets the pen x axis to the named x axis in the axes array objectString


Sets the pen y axis to the named y axis in the axes array objectString
NameDescriptionProperty Type
nameThe name for where the data for the pen is coming from - corresponds to the name member of the Data array objectString
xColumnNameThe column from the dataset in the Data array that is to be used for the X axisString
yColumnNameThe column from the dataset in the Data array that is to be used for the Y axisString
NameDescriptionProperty Type
colorThe color applied to the line strokeString
dashArrayThe spacing between dashes of the line strokeArray
opacityThe opacity to apply to the line stroke (numeric value)Integer
widthThe width to apply to the line stroke (numeric value)Integer


When configuring pens, it is important to ensure that the pen axes correspond to the specific x and y axes that are configured in the props section (see below).



NameDescriptionProperty Type
heightThe size of the chart on the y axis (as a %)String
legendProps for the legend at the top leftObject
NameDescriptionProperty Type
visibleDetermines whether the legend is displayed on the chartBoolean
showCheckBoxesDetermines whether the checkboxes in the legend are displayedBoolean


NameDescriptionProperty TypeDefault
axisBordersets the color for the axis borderString--neutral-90
axistitleColorsets the color for the title of the axisString--neutral-90
annotationsGripsBackroundBrushsets default brush for background of the annotations gripsString--neutral-90
annotationsGripsBorderBrushsets default brush for border of the annotations gripsString--neutral-90
axis3DBandsFillsets the color for the 3D Chart Axis plane bands fillStringtransparent
axisBandsFillsets the color for the axis bands fillStringtransparent
axisPlaneBackgroundFillsets the color for the 3D Chart Axis plane background fillStringtransparent
chartTitleColorsets the color for the chart titleString--neutral-90
columnFillBrushsets the brush for column fillStringtransparent
columnLineColorsets the color for the column lineStringtransparent
cursorLineBrushsets the brush for the line strokeString
defaultColorMapBrushsets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseHeatmapRenderableSeries.ColorMap. Accepts . Gradient Stops are used to compute colors of the final heat signatureArray
downBandSeriesFillColorsets the default color for the down band fill colorStringtransparent
downBandSeriesLineColorsets the default color for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries.Stroke, which defines the down band line colorStringtransparent
downBodyBrushsets the Brush used for candle body on down-candles (close < open). If null, UpBodyColor property is used.Stringtransparent
downWickColorsets the Color used for wicks and outlines on down-candles (close < open).Stringtransparent
gridBackgroundBrushsets the brush for the grid backgroundStringtransparent
gridBorderBrushsets the brush used for Gridlines area borderStringtransparent
labelBackgroundBrushsets the brush for the label backgroundStringtransparent
labelBorderBrushsets a brush that describes the label border backgroundStringtransparent
labelForegroundBrushsets a brush that describes the label border foregroundString--neutral-90
legendBackgroundBrushsets a brush that describes the legend border backgroundString--neutral-20
majorGridLineBrushsets the brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.AxisBase Major Grid lines. Expects a System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrushString--neutral-30
minorGridLineBrushsets the brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.AxisBase Minor Grid lines. Expects a System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrushString--neutral-20
mountainAreaBrushsets the default color for the mountain area brushString--neutral-90
mountainLineColorsets the default color for the mountain line colorString--neutral-90
overviewFillBrushsets the fill brush for the overview propertyString--neutral-90
planeBorderColorsets a color of the axis plane borderString--neutral-90
rolloverLineBrushsets the line brush for the rollover propertyString--neutral-90
rubberBandFillBrushsets the fill brush for the RubberBandXyZoomModifier drag reticuleString--neutral-90
rubberBandStrokeBrushsets the stroke brush for the RubberBandXyZoomModifier drag reticule borderString--neutral-90
sciChartBackgroundsets the background of the entire SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurfaceString--neutral-10
scrollbarBackgroundBrushsets default brush for background of the scrollbarString--neutral-90
scrollbarBorderBrushsets default brush for border of the scrollbarString--neutral-90
scrollbarGripsBackgroundBrushsets default brush for backgrounds of the scrollbar gripsString--neutral-90
scrollbarViewportBackgroundBrushsets the background brush (fill) for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartScrollbar viewport areaString--neutral-90
scrollbarViewportBorderBrushsets the border brush (fill) for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartScrollbar viewport area borderString--neutral-90
shadowEffectColorsets the shadow effect colorString--neutral-90
textAnnotationBackgroundsets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Annotations.TextAnnotation backgroundString--neutral-10
textAnnotationForegroundsets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Annotations.TextAnnotation text foregroundString--neutral-90
tickTextBrushsets the tick text brush applied to text labelsString--neutral-90
upBandSeriesFillColorsets the default color for the up band fill colorString--neutral-90
upBandSeriesLineColorsets the default color for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries.Stroke, which defines the up band line colorString--neutral-90
upBodyBrushsets the Brush used for candle body on up-candles (close > open). If null, UpBodyColor property is used.String--neutral-90
upWickColorsets the Color used for wicks and outlines on up-candles (close > open).String--neutral-90
NameDescriptionProperty TypeDefault
0.offsetThe offset for ColorMapPoint 0Double0
0.colorThe color for ColorMapPoint 0String--neutral-10


The offset for ColorMapPoint 1Double0.5
1.colorThe color for ColorMapPoint 1String--neutral-20
2.offsetThe offset for ColorMapPoint 2Double1
2.colorThe color for ColorMapPoint 2String--neutral-30
Neutrals color theme



