Name |
Description |
Property Type |
data |
An array of objects for trend data |
Array |
Data Array Object
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
name |
The name of the data object member |
String |
dataset |
Contains the data points for the plot |
Dataset |
containsNaN |
Specifies if NaN values are in the dataset |
Boolean |
isSorted |
Specifies if the values in the dataset are sorted |
Boolean |
Example of Data Prop:
It is helpful to have the the dataset structured with timestamp in the first column.
Plots: (Future Release)
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
axes |
An object containing defined axes arrays for both x and y |
Object |
X Axis Array Object
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
name |
The name of the axis |
String |
plot |
The type of plot displayed. Default value is default |
String |
type |
The axis type for the plot |
Object |
title |
The title for the axis |
Object |
units |
Specifies the units of measure for axis title |
String |
border |
Control for the axis border |
Object |
range |
Controls the range of the axis |
Object |
position |
Controls the position of the axis on the chart. Options are Left, Right, Up, and Down |
String |
label |
The label configuration for the axis |
Object |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
CategoryAxis |
Text axis suitable to chart out text based items or categories |
String |
DateTimeNumericAxis |
Value axis suitable when the axis data is DateTime |
String |
NumericAxis |
Value axis suitable when the axis data is numeric |
String |
LogarithmicAxis |
Value axis suitable for numeric data to be presented in logarithmic |
String |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Default |
text |
The displayed axis title |
String |
X Axis |
fontSize |
Font configuration for the title |
Double |
12 |
fontFamily |
Specifies the font for the title. Examples are Arial, Times, etc. |
String |
Arial |
color |
Specifies the color for the title |
String |
--neutral-90 |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Default |
color |
Controls the border color |
String |
--neutral-90 |
width |
Controls the border thickness of the axis |
Double |
1 |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Default |
provider |
See details for this object and its members below... |
NoFormat |
fontSize |
Font size configuration for the label |
Double |
12 |
fontFamily |
Specifies the font family for the label. Examples are Arial, Times, etc. |
String |
Arial |
color |
Specifies the color for the label |
Hex |
--neutral-90 |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Always |
Sets the axis range to automatic |
String |
Never |
Sets the axis range to manual. A min and max range value is required to set the range |
String |
Once |
?????? |
String |
Y Axis Array Object
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
name |
The name of the axis |
String |
plot |
The type of plot displayed. Default value is default |
String |
type |
The axis type for the plot |
Object |
title |
The title for the axis |
Object |
units |
Specifies the units of measure for axis title |
String |
border |
Control for the axis border |
Object |
range |
Controls the range of the axis |
Object |
position |
Controls the position of the axis on the chart. Options are Left, Right, Up, and Down |
String |
label |
The label configuration for the axis |
Object |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
CategoryAxis |
Text axis suitable to chart out text based items or categories |
String |
DateTimeNumericAxis |
Value axis suitable when the axis data is DateTime |
String |
NumericAxis |
Value axis suitable when the axis data is numeric |
String |
LogarithmicAxis |
Value axis suitable for numeric data to be presented in logarithmic |
String |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Default |
text |
The displayed axis title |
String |
Y Axis |
fontSize |
Font configuration for the title |
Double |
12 |
fontFamily |
Specifies the font for the title. Examples are Arial, Times, etc. |
String |
Arial |
color |
Specifies the color for the title |
String |
--neutral-90 |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Default |
color |
Controls the border color |
String |
--neutral-90 |
width |
Controls the border thickness of the axis |
Double |
1 |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Default |
provider |
See details for this object and its members below... |
NoFormat |
fontSize |
Font size configuration for the label |
Double |
12 |
fontFamily |
Specifies the font family for the label. Examples are Arial, Times, etc. |
String |
Arial |
color |
Specifies the color for the label |
Hex |
--neutral-90 |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Always |
Sets the axis range to automatic |
String |
Never |
Sets the axis range to manual. A min and max range value is required to set the range |
String |
Once |
?????? |
String |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
provider |
An object containing formats for the axis label |
Object |
Provider Members
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
NoFormat |
Specifies No Formatting to the axis labels (defaults to integer whole values) |
String |
Decimal |
Formats the axis labels with a single decimal place |
String |
SignificantFigures |
Formats the axis labels as a whole number (no decimal places) |
String |
Formats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 12/31/1969) |
String |
Formats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 01/01/70) |
String |
Formats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 01/01 00:00) |
String |
Date_DDMM |
Formats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 01/01/70) |
String |
Date_HHMM |
Formats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 01/01) |
String |
Formats the axis label to DateTime (eg. 00:00) |
String |
Exponential |
Formats the axis label to exponential notation (eg. 2.0e+1) |
String |
Scientific |
Formats the axis label to scientific notation (eg. 3x10³) |
String |
Pens Array Object
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
An array of pens to display on the graph |
Array |
name |
The name of the pen to be displayed in the legend on the chart |
String |
visible |
Determines if the pen is visible on the chart or not |
Boolean |
type |
The chart type desired. Options are Line, Scatter, Column, Mountain and Spline |
String |
interpolationPoints |
Used with the Spline type curve to set the interpolation filter - a higher value results in a smoother waveform - only visible when MountainSpline or Spline curves are selected |
Integer |
axis |
Defines the axes (x and y) for the selected pen |
Object |
data |
Defines where the data for the pen is coming from |
stroke |
Configuration of the line on the chart corresponding to a specific pen |
Object |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Line |
String |
String |
Column |
String |
Mountain |
String |
MountainSpline |
String |
Spline |
String |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
x |
Sets the pen x axis to the named x axis in the axes array object |
String |
Sets the pen y axis to the named y axis in the axes array object |
String |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
name |
The name for where the data for the pen is coming from - corresponds to the name member of the Data array object |
String |
xColumnName |
The column from the dataset in the Data array that is to be used for the X axis |
String |
yColumnName |
The column from the dataset in the Data array that is to be used for the Y axis |
String |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
color |
The color applied to the line stroke |
String |
dashArray |
The spacing between dashes of the line stroke |
Array |
opacity |
The opacity to apply to the line stroke (numeric value) |
Integer |
width |
The width to apply to the line stroke (numeric value) |
Integer |
When configuring pens, it is important to ensure that the pen axes correspond to the specific x and y axes that are configured in the props section (see below).
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
height |
The size of the chart on the y axis (as a %) |
Integer |
legend |
Props for the legend at the top left |
Integer |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
visible |
Determines whether the legend is displayed on the chart |
Boolean |
showCheckBoxes |
Determines whether the checkboxes in the legend are displayed |
Boolean |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Default |
axisBorder |
String |
--neutral-90 |
axistitleColor |
String |
--neutral-90 |
annotationsGripsBackroundBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
annotationsGripsBorderBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
axis3DBandsFill |
String |
transparent |
axisBandsFill |
String |
transparent |
axisPlaneBackgroundFill |
String |
transparent |
chartTitleColor |
String |
--neutral-90 |
columnFillBrush |
String |
transparent |
columnLineColor |
String |
transparent |
cursorLineBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
defaultColorMapBrush |
Object |
downBandSeriesFillColor |
String |
transparent |
downBandSeriesLineColor |
String |
transparent |
downBodyBrush |
String |
transparent |
downWickColor |
String |
transparent |
gridBackgroundBrush |
String |
transparent |
gridBorderBrush |
String |
transparent |
labelBackgroundBrush |
String |
transparent |
labelBorderBrush |
String |
transparent |
labelForegroundBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
legendBackgroundBrush |
String |
--neutral-20 |
lineSeriesColor |
String |
--neutral-50 |
loadingAnimationBackground |
String |
--neutral-10 |
loadingAnimationForeground |
String |
--neutral-90 |
majorGridLineBrush |
String |
--neutral-30 |
minorGridLineBrush |
String |
--neutral-20 |
mountainAreaBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
mountainLineColor |
String |
--neutral-90 |
overviewFillBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
planeBorderColor |
String |
--neutral-90 |
rolloverLineBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
rubberBandFillBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
rubberBandStrokeBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
sciChartBackground |
String |
--neutral-10 |
scrollbarBackgroundBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
scrollbarBorderBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
scrollbarGripsBackgroundBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
scrollbarViewportBackgroundBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
scrollbarViewportBorderBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
shadowEffectColor |
String |
--neutral-90 |
textAnnotationBackground |
String |
--neutral-10 |
textAnnotationForeground |
String |
--neutral-90 |
tickTextBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
upBandSeriesFillColor |
String |
--neutral-90 |
upBandSeriesLineColor |
String |
--neutral-90 |
upBodyBrush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
upWickColor |
String |
--neutral-90 |
Name |
Description |
Property Type |
Default |
0.offset |
Double |
0 |
0.color |
String |
--neutral-10 |
Double |
0.5 |
1.color |
--neutral-20 |
2.offset |
Double |
1 |
2.color |
--neutral-30 |