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Chart Properties

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Chart properties are broken into the following categories:

  • data
  • axes
  • pens
  • chart
  • interaction - Interactions are controlled by a complex set of properties and as such they have been separated into their own page.
  • theme - Theme contains properties which are quite verbose and as such they have also been separated into their own page.


An array of objects for trend data. This enables the inclusion of data from multiple sources.

Each instance of the data object is composed of the following properties:

Name Description Property Type
name The unique reference name for the dataset. This value is used within the pen properties to define the pen data. String
dataset Contains columns with x and y data values. Dataset
containsNaN Specifies if the dataset contains null values. When this value is truenull values will be rendered according to the drawNanMode property set on each pen. Boolean
isSorted Specifies if the x values in the dataset are sorted. Set this value to true if your data is sorted to improve rendering performance. Boolean


An object containing both x and y axis properties. Multiple x and y axes may be defined.

Name Description Property Type
x An array of x axis properties. Axis[]
y An array of y axis properties. Axis[]


Name Description Property Type
name The unique reference name for the axis. This value is used within the pen properties to define a pen axis. String
visible Toggles the visibility of the axis. Boolean
type The axis type. AxisType
categoryLabelType The category label type. Available when the axis type is CategoryAxis. CategoryLabelType
categoryLabels List of category labels used when the categoryLabelType is Text. The index of each item corresponds to the index of the data value. String[]
title Object to configure the axis title. AxisTitle
ticks Object to configure major and minor ticks for the axis. AxisTicks
gridlines Object to configure major and minor gridlines for the axis. AxisGridlines
units Specifies the units of measure for the axis. Included in the axis title. String
border Object to configure the axis border color and thickness. This is applied to border between the axis and the area where chart data is drawn. AxisBorder
range Object to configure the range of the axis. AxisRange
position Specifies the position of the axis on the chart. Options are Left, Right, Top, and Bottom. String
label Object to configure the axis label. AxisLabel


Name Description Property Type
CategoryAxis Axis which renders by index and can be assigned text labels. String
DateTimeNumericAxis Value axis to format date time axis labels. String
NumericAxis Value axis suitable when the axis data is numeric. String
LogarithmicAxis Value axis suitable for numeric data to be presented in logarithmic scale. Supports base 10.  String


Name Description Property Type
Text Category labels are rendered as text from the categoryLabels property. String
Numeric Category labels correspond to the index of each value. String


Name Description Property Type
text The text displayed for the axis title. String
fontSize The font size of the text. Double
fontFamily The font family of the text. String
color The color of the text. Color


Name Description Property Type
major Object to configure the major ticks for the axis. AxisTick
minor Object to configure the minor ticks for the axis. AxisTick
Name Description Property Type
visible Toggles the visibility of the tick lines. Boolean
color The color of the tick line. Color
thickness The thickness of the tick line. Double
tickSize The length of the tick line. Double


Name Description Property Type
minorsPerMajor Specifies the number of minor gridlines to draw between each major gridline. Integer
major Object to configure the major gridlines for the axis. AxisGridline
minor Object to configure the minor gridlines for the axis. AxisGridline
Name Description Property Type
visible Toggles the visibility of the tick lines. Boolean
color The color of the tick line. Color
thickness The thickness of the tick line. Double

The size of dashes and gaps used to draw the gridline. Enter an even number of float values to create a repeating pattern.



Name Description Property Type
color The border color. Overrides the axisBorder theme property. Color
thickness The thickness of the border. Double


Name Description Property Type
flippedCoordinates Reverses the direction of the axis when true. This orders values along the axis from high to low instead of low to high.   Boolean
auto Specifies if the axis range should be set based on the data range or the min and max properties. AxisRangeAuto
min The minimum value to show for the axis. This overrides the minimum extent of the data when the axis is auto ranging. Double
max The maximum value to show for the axis. This overrides the maximum extent of the data when the axis is auto ranging and the min is not set. It is ignored when auto ranging if the min is set. Double
Name Description Property Type
Always Update the range of the axis when the data changes unless a zoom interaction has changed the visible range. String
Never Never change the range of the axis except through pan and zoom interactions. String
Once Update the range of the axis to the extents of the data the first time the axis is drawn. String


Name Description Property Type
format Specify the format to use for the axis labels. This is not applied when the axis type is DateTimeNumericAxis. AxisLabelFormat
fontSize The font size of the labels. Double
fontFamily The font family of the labels. String
color The color of the labels. Color
Name Description Property Type
NoFormat Specifies no formatting of the axis labels. Defaults to integer whole values. String
Decimal Formats the axis labels with a single decimal place. String
SignificantFigures Formats the axis labels as a whole number (no decimal places). String
Date_DDMMYYYY Formats the axis labels as DateTime. (eg. 12/31/1969) String
Date_DDMMYY Formats the axis labels as DateTime. (eg. 01/01/70) String
Date_DDMMHHMM Formats the axis labels as DateTime. (eg. 01/01 00:00) String
Date_DDMM Formats the axis labels as DateTime. (eg. 01/01/70) String
Date_HHMM Formats the axis labels as DateTime. (eg. 01/01) String
Date_HHMMSS Formats the axis labels as DateTime. (eg. 00:00) String
Exponential Formats the axis labels as exponential notation. (eg. 2.0e+1) String
Scientific Formats the axis labels as scientific notation. (eg. 3x10³) String


The pens property contains an array of objects which represent each pen to be rendered on the charting surface.chart.

Name Description Property Type
name The name of the pen to be displayeddisplay in the legend on the chartchart. String
visible Determines if the pen is visible on the chart or not. Boolean
type TheSpecifies chartthe type desired.of the chart. Options areinclude Line, Scatter, Column, Mountain and SplineSpline. StringPenType
isDigitalLineLines are rendered as a step line when set to true. A horizontal line is drawn after each data point and a vertical line joins it to the line which starts at the next value.Boolean
pointDataLabelsObject to configure point data labels.PointDataLabel
interpolationPoints Used withSets the number of interpolated points to add between data points for Spline and MountainSpline typepen curvestypes. to set the interpolation filter - aA higher value results in a smoother waveform - only visible when MountainSpline or Spline curves are selectedwaveform. Integer
drawNaNModeSpecifies how to render points whose value is null.DrawNaNMode
axis DefinesObject to set the axes (x and y)y axis for the selected penpen. AxisPenAxis
data Defines where

Object to set which dataset and columns contain the x and y data for the penpen.

is coming from
stroke ConfigurationObject ofto configure the linepen onstroke the chart corresponding to a specific penappearance. Stroke
Object to configure the pen fill appearance if applicable. Available for Mountain and Column pen types.


Name Description Property Type
Line A series of data points connected by line segments String


Shows large quantities of data along a horizontal and vertical axis and presents a correlation between two variables String
Column A type of graph that uses vertical bars or columns to represent the values of the data String
Mountain Essentially the same as a line chart with the area filled in under the curve String
MountainSpline A spline chart with the area under the curve filled in String
Spline A line chart where the data points are connected using spline interpolation String


NameDescriptionProperty Type
visible Boolean
precision Integer
skipNumberSets the number of data point labels to skip between ones that are rendered. Set to 0 to render a label for each data point.Integer
colorThe color of the label.String
fontSizeThe font size of the label.String
fontFamilyThe font family of the label.String
NameDescriptionProperty Type
top String








NameDescriptionProperty Type
PolyLine String




Name Description Property Type
x Sets the pen x axis to the named x axis in the axes array object String


Sets the pen y axis to the named y axis in the axes array object String


Name Description Property Type
name The name for where the data for the pen is coming from - corresponds to the name member of the Data array object String
xColumnName The column from the dataset in the Data array that is to be used for the X axis String
yColumnName The column from the dataset in the Data array that is to be used for the Y axis String


Name Description Property Type
color The color applied to the line stroke Color
dashArray The size of dashes and gaps used to draw the pen. Enter an even number of float values to create a repeating pattern. Float[]
opacity The opacity to apply to the line stroke. 0 = Transparent, 1 = Opaque. Float

The width to apply to the line stroke



Fill and gradient properties will not appear in the Ignition Designer for line and spline type pens.

Although the fill -> gradient propproperty is visible, the gradient property has no effect on Scatter type pens.

Name Description Property Type
color The color of the fill of mountain, column, and scatter type pens. Color
gradient Object containing properties for the appearance of the fill of mountain, column, and scatter type pens, allowing for highly configurable color gradients. FillGradient
Name Description Property Type
startPoint.x/y The starting point of the gradient. This value is relative to the screen rather than the chart - (0,0) is the top left of the screen, and (1,1) is the bottom right. Float
endPoint.x/y The end point of the gradient. This value is relative to the screen rather than the chart - (0,0) is the top left of the screen, and (1,1) is the bottom right. Float
gradientStops.i.offset The location, relative to the screen, of this gradient stop's color. Any number of gradient stops and their corresponding offsets and colors can be added to make the gradient more complex. Gradient stops must be added in the correct order, so that each offset is greater than the one after it. Must be a number between 0 and 1 inclusive. Float

When configuring pens, it is important to ensure that the pen axes correspond to the specific x and y axes that are configured in the props section.


Name Description Property Type
height The size of the chart on the y axis. Can be in %, px, rem, em, etc... String
title Props for the chart title, centered at the top of the chart. ChartTitle
legend Props for the chart's draggable legend. This can be hidden in favor of a custom legend using the visible ChartLegend


Name Description Property Type
visible Determines whether the legend is displayed on the chart. Boolean
showCheckBoxes Determines whether the legend checkboxes are displayed. Boolean