axisBorder |
sets the color for the axis border |
String |
--neutral-90 |
axistitleColor |
sets the color for the title of the axis |
String |
--neutral-90 |
annotationsGripsBackroundBrush |
sets default brush for background of the annotations grips |
String |
--neutral-90 |
annotationsGripsBorderBrush |
sets default brush for border of the annotations grips |
String |
--neutral-90 |
axis3DBandsFill |
sets the color for the 3D Chart Axis plane bands fill |
String |
transparent |
axisBandsFill |
sets the color for the axis bands fill |
String |
transparent |
axisPlaneBackgroundFill |
sets the color for the 3D Chart Axis plane background fill |
String |
transparent |
chartTitleColor |
sets the color for the chart title |
String |
--neutral-90 |
columnFillBrush |
sets the brush for column fill |
String |
transparent |
columnLineColor |
sets the color for the column line |
String |
transparent |
cursorLineBrush |
sets the brush for the line stroke |
String |
--neutral-90 |
defaultColorMapBrush |
sets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseHeatmapRenderableSeries.ColorMap. Accepts . Gradient Stops are used to compute colors of the final heat signature |
Array |
downBandSeriesFillColor |
sets the default color for the down band fill color |
String |
transparent |
downBandSeriesLineColor |
sets the default color for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries.Stroke, which defines the down band line color |
String |
transparent |
downBodyBrush |
sets the Brush used for candle body on down-candles (close < open). If null, UpBodyColor property is used. |
String |
transparent |
downWickColor |
sets the Color used for wicks and outlines on down-candles (close < open). |
String |
transparent |
gridBackgroundBrush |
sets the brush for the grid background |
String |
transparent |
gridBorderBrush |
sets the brush used for Gridlines area border |
String |
transparent |
labelBackgroundBrush |
sets the brush for the label background |
String |
transparent |
labelBorderBrush |
sets a brush that describes the label border background |
String |
transparent |
labelForegroundBrush |
sets a brush that describes the label border foreground |
String |
--neutral-90 |
legendBackgroundBrush |
sets a brush that describes the legend border background |
String |
--neutral-20 |
lineSeriesColor |
String |
--neutral-50 |
loadingAnimationBackground |
String |
--neutral-10 |
loadingAnimationForeground |
String |
--neutral-90 |
majorGridLineBrush |
sets the brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.AxisBase Major Grid lines. Expects a System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush |
String |
--neutral-30 |
minorGridLineBrush |
sets the brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.AxisBase Minor Grid lines. Expects a System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush |
String |
--neutral-20 |
mountainAreaBrush |
sets the default color for the mountain area brush |
String |
--neutral-90 |
mountainLineColor |
sets the default color for the mountain line color |
String |
--neutral-90 |
overviewFillBrush |
sets the fill brush for the overview property |
String |
--neutral-90 |
planeBorderColor |
sets a color of the axis plane border |
String |
--neutral-90 |
rolloverLineBrush |
sets the line brush for the rollover property |
String |
--neutral-90 |
rubberBandFillBrush |
sets the fill brush for the RubberBandXyZoomModifier drag reticule |
String |
--neutral-90 |
rubberBandStrokeBrush |
sets the stroke brush for the RubberBandXyZoomModifier drag reticule border |
String |
--neutral-90 |
sciChartBackground |
sets the background of the entire SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface |
String |
--neutral-10 |
scrollbarBackgroundBrush |
sets default brush for background of the scrollbar |
String |
--neutral-90 |
scrollbarBorderBrush |
sets default brush for border of the scrollbar |
String |
--neutral-90 |
scrollbarGripsBackgroundBrush |
sets default brush for backgrounds of the scrollbar grips |
String |
--neutral-90 |
scrollbarViewportBackgroundBrush |
sets the background brush (fill) for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartScrollbar viewport area |
String |
--neutral-90 |
scrollbarViewportBorderBrush |
sets the border brush (fill) for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartScrollbar viewport area border |
String |
--neutral-90 |
shadowEffectColor |
sets the shadow effect color |
String |
--neutral-90 |
textAnnotationBackground |
sets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Annotations.TextAnnotation background |
String |
--neutral-10 |
textAnnotationForeground |
sets the default brush for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Annotations.TextAnnotation text foreground |
String |
--neutral-90 |
tickTextBrush |
sets the tick text brush applied to text labels |
String |
--neutral-90 |
upBandSeriesFillColor |
sets the default color for the up band fill color |
String |
--neutral-90 |
upBandSeriesLineColor |
sets the default color for the SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries.Stroke, which defines the up band line color |
String |
--neutral-90 |
upBodyBrush |
sets the Brush used for candle body on up-candles (close > open). If null, UpBodyColor property is used. |
String |
--neutral-90 |
upWickColor |
sets the Color used for wicks and outlines on up-candles (close > open). |
String |
--neutral-90 |